I’m not a religious person, but I recently discovered this
video, titled “God Made a Dog,”
that’s been circulating on the Internet recently.
It’s a heartwarming video
that outlines all the ways that dogs provide comfort, love, and companionship
to people, without asking anything in return. Whether or not you believe that God, or any
other spiritual being “made” dogs, or that dogs evolved via natural selection (with
or without some divine intervention), clearly dogs’ presence in our lives is an
unbelievable gift. I know I am grateful
every day for the five dogs who share my home.
But is everyone who lives with a dog grateful? Obviously
they aren’t.
How did Pete get to the place in rural Stockton where he was
found? Did he get out of his house and hit by a car, and then wander the levee
roads for a week or two, injured and in pain, with no one looking for him? Or
even worse, did he get beaten, once or maybe twice, and then get abandoned? Or
did he get thrown out of a car?
In either of these cases, he appears to be just one of
millions of dogs in this country who was unlucky enough to not be appreciated.
Maybe he peed on something, or barked at something, or chewed on something, or
just didn’t do something right. At my house, he has peed on a couple of things,
but he’s quickly learning where to pee and poop, even though he obviously doesn’t
like to use the dog door, because his nose is still sensitive. I don’t know if
he ever chewed something he wasn’t supposed to, but he will never do that again,
because he can’t ever bite down on anything again, since his jaw will never
work again. He also hasn’t barked since he’s gotten here.

It just doesn’t make sense.